Category: Money Management Tips
Money Management Tips
How a Financial Advisor Has Helped My Family in a Terrible Time
by Kyle Burbank
"What's the point of having a financial advisor if everything you need to know is on the Internet?" Truth be told, that was pretty much my sentiment since I started becoming interested in personal finance. On the one hand, I understood why rich people might be willing to pay someone to manage their money for them — but why should we normies turn over our hard-earned cash just to have... Money Management Tips
Are People Just Now Learning About Vegas' Tricky Game Rules?
by Kyle Burbank
Vegas casinos want your money! Okay, that part you knew — but were you aware of some of the tricky tactics they use to try to get more of it? Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal published a report that gamblers lost nearly $1 billion at Las Vegas Strips casino Blackjack tables last year, amounting to the second-highest total on record. Yet, the reasons cited for this increase weren't... Money Management Tips
7 Ways to Save Money on Streaming Service Subscriptions
by Kyle Burbank
Once upon a time, the idea of streaming television and movie content was not only novel but was mostly limited to just a few services — including some free ones. Well, that's definitely changed in recent years as nearly every major media conglomerate has launched its own streaming platform. And, while you'd think that the increased competition would mean lower rates, the financial realities of the medium are starting to... Money Management Tips
What to Do With Your 401(k) From a Previous Employer
by Fioney Staff
When leaving a job with an employer, there are obviously a number of changes you will experience and decisions you will need to make about your future. One such decision that is sometimes forgotten is what to do with the 401(k) you had under your former employer. In addition to any contributions you may have made to your account, you may also have a vested chunk of matching funds or... Money Management Tips
Money at 30: My 2023 Tax Filing Experience
by Kyle Burbank
Well, it's here: Tax Day. Traditionally, this day has fallen on April 15th but — between that date falling on the weekend this year and something to do with D.C. — the official deadline has fallen on the 18th for the past few years. Naturally, despite this mild extension, I waited until *checks watch* last night to get my return in order. So, how did this procrastination work out for... Money Management Tips
Money at 30: Valuing Your Time (And How You're Wasting Yours)
by Kyle Burbank
Time is money. It's cliche, but it's true. Yet, even when we're all aware of this relationship, there are assuredly times when we devalue our time by trying to save a few dollars. While I'm far from the first to bring this up, if you put the time you spend on certain tasks into the terms of an hourly wage, you might be shocked by just how little you're "paying... Money Management Tips
Money at 30: How Much Does a Funeral Cost?
by Kyle Burbank
Did you know that dying is expensive? More specifically, the costs associated with funerals can really add up. That's something my wife and I have unfortunately learned recently as her dad passed away a couple of weeks ago after a brief battle with cancer. Luckily, he and my mother-in-law had made some preparations, such as purchasing plots ahead of time. Still, there are plenty of other expenses and options to...