Category: Investing
Get the latest news and tips on investing from across the web. You may not have a million dollar stock or cybercurrency portfolio today but that doesn’t mean investing isn’t important to you. We’re here to help.

How to Transfer a Retirement Account to Robinhood Retirement
by Kyle Burbank
Earlier this month, as I prepared for my tax-time IRA contributions, I learned two things about my IRA situation. First, I discovered that one Traditional IRA I had changed my investments due to the discontinuation of one of its fund options. Second, I found out that Robinhood Retirement was offering a bonus for Robinhood Gold customers who transferred their IRAs to the platform. Needless to say, this provided to perfect... 
How I've Been Working to Increase My Investment
by Kyle Burbank
A few years ago, I made it a goal to learn more about investing and really make an effort to invest more of my money. Well, while I've had some great successes since — including my wife and I both maxing out our IRAs on an annual basis — I'll admit that I haven't been steadily contributing to my Vanguard account as I originally envisioned. So, recently, I've been revisiting the idea... 
Roboadvisors: What Are They and Are They Right For Your Investments?
by Kyle Burbank
If you’ve researched investing in the past few years or so, one option you’ve probably seen increasingly come up is roboadvisors. With a futuristic sounding name that instantly instills images of autonomous mechanical arms making trades, roboadvisors have proven exciting to some while giving other potential investors pause. After all, who wants to trust their financial well being to a robot? Well, as it turns out, there’s more to roboadvisors... 
A Guide to the Best Feel-Good Alternative Investments
by Kyle Burbank
Investing is something that most Americans do and yet it still carries a somewhat negative connotation. Many might think of movies like Wall Street featuring lines like “greed is good” and think that investing is all about the rich getting richer at the expense of everyone else. In reality that’s hardly the case. Today investments come in all shapes and sizes. While stocks and bonds still make up the bulk... 
Earn Passive Income By Renting Your Timeshare
by Kyle Burbank
Depending on who you ask, timeshares are a great way to save on vacation or a money trap that’ll end up costing you. Despite some of the negative connotations some of these arrangements carry, the popularity of timeshares continues. In fact some properties have evolved their models, making them more flexible and allowing owners to get the most use out of them. Still, what do you do if you still... 
Money at 30: Charles Schwab Investing Starter Kit Overview
by Kyle Burbank
These days, there is no shortage of easy-to-use brokerage accounts that consumers can turn to when they're ready to begin investing. From SoFi to Public and, of course, Robinhood, these fee-free accounts have revolutionized the industry in ways both good and bad, leaving traditional brokerage accounts to evolve as well. One such firm that's seen a number of changes in recent years is Charles Schwab, which has attempted to bring... 
Peer to Peer Real Estate Investing for Accredited and Non-Accredited Investors
by Kyle Burbank
At some point in your life you’ve probably heard that real estate is a good investment. The problem is that the average individual is unlikely to have the capital required to purchase multiple properties on their own. But what if you could partner with dozens or hundreds of other investors to buy a portfolio of real estate projects and share the profits? That’s the basic idea behind peer-to-peer real estate...