Category: Book Reviews
Looking to improve your financial literacy? Our personal finance book reviews have you covered. Discover insightful, unbiased takes on the latest must-read books covering everything from budgeting and investing to retirement planning and wealth-building. Our expert reviewers cut through the noise to highlight the most actionable, life-changing personal finance advice, so you can make informed decisions about which books deserve a spot on your reading list.
Book Reviews
Money at 30: "Quit Like a Millionaire" Book Review
by Kyle Burbank
Earlier this year, I decided that one of my goals for 2020 was to do more book reviews. Somehow, this became both easier and harder to attain as quarantine set in. So, with my local library closed, I instead turned to Amazon to see what titles I should add to my queue. That's how I first came across Quit Like a Millionaire: No Gimmicks, Luck, or Trust Fund Required by... Book Reviews
Money at 30: "Start from Zero" Book Review
by Kyle Burbank
Something I often forget about myself is that I am technically a business owner. However, in my mind, there's a big difference between working for yourself and being an actual entrepreneur. With that in mind, I don't often look to books about business or entrepreneurdom (if that's even a word) as I didn't really think they'd apply to me. Yet, when I was recently offered the chance to check out... Book Reviews
Money at 30: "The Velvet Rope Economy" Book Review
by Kyle Burbank
Is air travel getting worse or has it only gotten better? That depends on who you ask — and often how much money they have. For those forced to fly coach, it's not uncommon to hear about increasingly cramped seats or having to resort to airlines that won't even serve you a glass of water without a fee. Meanwhile there's now a popular crop of travel sites showing off lie-flat... Book Reviews
Money at 30: "Choose FI" Book Review
by Kyle Burbank
Every day, millions of adults wake up only to head to a job they despise in order to make just enough money to fund a life they likely fell into. And then there are those who wake up and do whatever they're passionate about because the money they worked for is now working for them. That's the most basic idea behind financial independence (FI) — but how does one even... Book Reviews
Money at 30: "Bad with Money" Book Review
by Kyle Burbank
When most people think about financial books, I have to assume they envision thick economic textbooks or perhaps a hardcover series from a money guru like Dave Ramsey. In reality, the personal finance books I've reviewed come from authors like Tanja Hester, Grant Sabatier, or Erin Lowry who all gratefully give their takes on money matters that make such topics approachable, actionable, and interesting. That's why I was intrigued when... Book Reviews
Money at 30: "Financial Freedom" Book Review
by Kyle Burbank
When my wife and I decided to move from Los Angeles to Springfield, Missouri, we did so in a bid to have more financial freedom. Sure enough, the savings associated with that relocation have helped get us on track for building an emergency fund and getting started with investing. Yet, as I've learned in recent years, there's a sizeable difference between "financial freedom" and "financial independence." Ironically then, the book... Book Reviews
Money at 30: "Young, Fun & Financially Free" Book Review
by Kyle Burbank
Personal finance often gets a bad rap. Despite dozens if not hundreds of bloggers insisting that, no, budgeting doesn't mean depriving yourself of all non-essential spending, there's no question that this is still the impression most people get. Enter another expert here to insist that you can indeed lead a fulfilling life not in spite of financial responsibility but because of it. In Young, Fun & Financially Free: Live the...